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orientation overview

We will be covering a lot of information in the next week, but hopefully, we'll have a little fun along the way!


Each day, we will sign into Slack and use the screen sharing options, and we will be getting on and off the conference call throughout the day.  


We will break our learning into modules, and have worksheets, study guides, activities, and quizzes.  At the end of Orientation, you will have a final written quiz and a role play evaluation.


It's important to pay attention, ask questions when you have them, and take notes!  In every class we've had, the people who take notes are the ones who are successful faster.  We do have study guides, but they don't have every detail we'll go over.  


Most nights you will have homework to reinforce what we went over during the day - it will be very helpful to make sure you hit the ground running!


Before we go on to any other new info, we're going to touch briefly on the Client for which you'll be recruiting, review the Donating Blood 101 Quiz, we'll listen to a call together, and you'll get to hear a quick role play.

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